Lessons in Gratitude Day 276

This has been an odd, slow sort of day. I suppose that’s not a bad thing for a Sunday. I slept later this morning than I have in  many, many months. I think it was a combination of feeling a little under the weather, of being up late the previous night, and all around tiredness. My cell phone buzzing at 10:00 this morning roused me or I might have slept until noon. I figured today would be a low-key day given that I had finished my taxes and having that weight lifted would be followed by a slight crash. And so it was. And that’s alright.

There are times when I get discouraged; when the fog of my day-to-day challenges obscures any sense of past accomplishments, current opportunities, or future possibilities. I am somewhat hard pressed this evening to write many words. Perhaps this is a good time to stop and listen. As I sit here, I hear the sound of a bird or other creature that I totally don’t recognize and is a new sound for the area near my house. I wish I could isolate where it is coming from and see it, but in the darkening of dusk, I cannot. I went outside for a few moments just now and listened until the chill air ran me back inside. I am grateful for the music of evensong as rendered by the birds and other creatures who life in the wooded areas near my complex. And as always I am grateful for the physical ability that allows me to hear and discern what I am hearing.

It is the beginning of a new week. Every day when I get up I thank God, and on most days I tell myself good things about what the day will hold, and at the end of the day, I reflect on what I am grateful for. This is the simple prescription is part of my path for now, and on days when I can’t tell up from down it provides just enough of what I need to see my way through til my vision clears. I look to the coming week hopeful for good things unfolding and with simple gratitudes to share at the close of each day. For tonight that is the best I can do.

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