Lessons in Gratitude Day 313

Tonight I am grateful for many things. Continuing the theme from last night, I remain grateful for changes in perspective that have been occurring lately. For the most part they are not epic, seismic events, but more like microshifts. They are no less significant, though, because they sort of represent tiny cracks and fissures that eventually become epic, seismic events. I can’t wait. It is hard to describe what’s happening, particularly because the changes are small enough that at first they are not noticeable. It’s kind of like, “Did I just imagine that or am I really sensing a shift in my way of thinking/being about certain things?” But no, I’m pretty sure they are occurring. I reckon I need to be taking notes on what’s happening so I can keep track of it.

Simple wonders are cause for gratitude tonight as well. As I was leaving my class this evening walking toward my car, in the heavens a gorgeous sliver of moon was hanging in the sky and above and to the right of it a bright, brilliant planet kept it company. I tried to take a picture of it with my phone, knowing it would be hopelessly inadequate for capturing the sight. What a wondrous spectacle. As a child I used to dream about being an astronomer (along with being a cowboy), or at the very least wanted to spend summer evenings looking through my telescope at what wonders hung in the heavens. I still dream of actually seeing the rings of Saturn or the giant spots on the surface of Jupiter. So far I’ve only gotten a decent look at the moon (My telescope really isn’t that good), but one of these days I’ll get to look through one of those big scopes and see something really spectacular.

The psalmist says, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” There are times when I look into the heavens–particularly in these past weeks with super moons and annular eclipses–when I really do think to myself how small and insignificant we are. And yet, I know we are also miraculous beings in our own right. Given all that how can I help but be grateful for all that I see around me.

Tonight will be an abbreviated entry. I was out at class until late and got home late from picking up Jared. As a purist, I like to post before midnight each day and that hour is now upon me. It will soon be tomorrow. I’ll keep paying attention to all the shifts that are happening and report back once I’ve begun to make sense of them. Until then, I’ll continue to express gratitude for all the changes great and small. Thanks for being along with me on this ride!

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