Lessons in Gratitude Day 324

I am sitting at my desk in front of the big windows that line one wall of my room staring out the window at the near full moon shining over the tops of the trees. I have somewhat east-facing window, which is unfortunate in summer mornings if one wants to sleep in–the morning sun fairly blazes into my room unhindered by the ineffectual vinyl mini-blinds that hang in front of the windows. (I long ago started wearing an eye mask when I sleep now. Sadly it reminds me of Lovie Howell from “Gilligan’s Island” when I wear them; it’s kind of hard to take myself and my mask too seriously.) The benefit, however of this east facing-window, is that I am often treated to spectacular moonrises, tonight offering yet another. And I love how the moon perches atop the towering pine trees that gracefully line the back parking lot of our complex. I am an astronomical geek, that is, I am a geek about astronomical things. And proud of it.

I am grateful for the enjoyment I get out of observing the natural world. From the march of the moon, stars, and planets across the night sky to the march and gobbles of turkeys across the parking lot in the mornings and evenings, I am grateful for the entertainment and comic relief that natural phenomena provide for me on a daily basis. I don’t ever tire of them, and even when I am preoccupied with various cares and concerns of everyday life, there is not a day that goes by without me experiencing some sight or sound (or the occasional smell) of natural beauty, whether it’s wildlife, beautiful vistas of the Bay and surrounding areas, or celestial occurrences (like the upcoming “Transit of Venus.”) I am grateful for the ability to recognize and revel in the beauty of creation on a regular basis.

I don’t have too much to share tonight. It’s been a long but pretty good week. I am grateful for many things that unfolded over the course of the week–nothing astonishing or magnificent (unless you count the moonrises over the past few nights)–but regular, much-appreciated blessings each day. Like talking with beloved family and friends, time hanging out with my kids or patting my dog or listening to my audiobook. Like the relative health and mobility of my body, with its fully functioning five senses that allow me to experience and express my aliveness. Like the work–paid and volunteer–that I am doing right now that enables me to meet most of my obligations while also contributing to the wellbeing of others. Like the ability to recognize that beauty and blessings are all around me if I but look and be grateful. And I am.

May we all know gratitude and experience all that there is in our lives to be grateful for. So be it!

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