Lessons in Gratitude Day 389

Whew today was quite a day. I hit a wall of sorts and almost wasn’t sure I’d be able to write tonight, but hey, walls haven’t stopped me yet, so here I am. As I’ve written many times, there is always some thing (usually many things) to be grateful for; mostly I am at times limited in my ability to express them.

I’m grateful for either having a pretty hard head or for the walls I keep hitting being made of soft rubber that I just sort of bounce off of them and keep going. I am grateful for the relative soundness of my mind and strength of will that helps me remain calm when I shouldn’t be, think clearly when I could easily be befuddled, and propels me over (or through) the various barriers that seem to magically erect themselves in front of me at any given time. At those times when craziness pops up–even craziness of my own making–I’m grateful to have discovered and honed tools to deal with it, not always perfectly, but well enough.

Sometimes blogging is a little (well, a lot actually) one-sided. I think about various things connected to gratitude, I hem and haw and watch the little cursor blink balefully at me for a few minutes before I undertake the process of writing. I write, re-read and edit portions of it (unless as happens periodically I am too tired to re-read and edit so I hit post without a backward glance), and then I hit “Publish” and away it goes, out into cyberspace. But except for the occasional comment that someone will post either here or in Facebook, I rarely have interactions with people about what I’ve written. As I have yet to really figure out how to use the Twittersphere, I am not constantly tweeting back and for with folks about gratitude or much of anything else for that matter. My daughter started a Twitter group that started humbly and now has over 2500 followers. Wow, imagine what 2500 people tweeting about gratitude could accomplish over the course of weeks and months. Alas, if only I got into the flow of using Twitter. I would welcome thoughts from others about what you’re learning about being grateful and what things you’re grateful to have in your lives. You can always tweet me at @lessongratitude.

I am going to retire early this evening. I am grateful to have gone in to work today after being out all of last week for my epic trip to Seattle. It was good getting back into the swing of things, though I confess to being a little sluggish, still recovering from the trip, I guess. I am looking forward to a good rest before springing up in the morning before the alarm to write in my journal and get on with my day. Life continues to be a bit wild and uncertain, but I put my head down and keep going. Soon that light I see way in the distance ahead of me will get clearer and brighter. I will find myself in the place just right, where I want to be, doing what I want to be doing. The only way to get there is to keep moving, guided by faith, nurtured by gratitude. Moving forward come what may. It’s all good.

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