Lessons in Gratitude Day 446

Tonight I am grateful to have safely arrived in Indiana on the third leg of my journey. I will leave my brother here (he lives here in the town where me and my five siblings spent most of our childhoods) and venture forward with my intrepid sidekick Honor, who will “keep me company” from the back seat. I have lost an hour each day since I left California and am quite tired. I’ve traveled nearly 2200 miles with another 600 to go. I will “sleep in” a bit until around 7 a.m. (we’ve been rising at 5:30) and head out around 8 a.m. That should get me to the greater Washington DC metropolitan area sometime around 6 p.m. or so. If I get too tired, I will stop somewhere for the night, rest up, and continue my journey on Thursday morning. We’ll see how that goes.

I need to get myself to sleep now, so after  this briefest of checkins I am concluding the blog for tonight. I will reiterate as I have for these many days, weeks, and months how grateful I am for my family. They have held me up these many months and will hold me up as I take my first slightly wobbly steps into what’s next. I am deeply grateful to and for each of them. May their generosity be return to them each 1000 fold. Let it be so.

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