Lessons in Gratitude Day 460

Today was my second day on the job. Some aspects of the day were very similar to yesterday: uncooperative dog, breezy commute into work, long commute home, and exhaustion this evening. It is good exhaustion–I am not dispirited by it in any way, it simply is what it is: my body adjusting to new schedule, new demands on endurance, new time zone. I am being patient with myself as I work toward creating a routine, getting into a different rhythm. My intention for getting to sleep at a decent hour continues to fall by the wayside. My hope is to turn out the light by 11 p.m. tonight. The 5:45 alarm will ring all too soon, unfortunately.

Nonetheless I am grateful to have had a good, if long day. It was a much busier day at work as I am just beginning to settle in. I am grateful to be working with a really good group of people who are committed to the work they’re doing and committed to each other. Over the years I’ve worked in areas of diversity, social justice, multicultural education and related issues I have often worked in isolation either as a one or two-person office with major responsibilities. To be working with a team of folks who are all dedicated to making the campus a better place is a pretty exciting prospect. I’m looking forward to doing good work in this next phase of my work life.

Tonight I am too tired to have much profound to say. It’s a night for simple gratitude: for a good day at work, a safe drive there and back. I live in a safe, comfortable, home in a nice are (several neighbors have come over to welcome me to the neighborhood; one whole family came over bearing a plate of brownies.) I am grateful for living close to my sisters–a factor which I plan to take increasing advantage of in the days and weeks to come. The commute to work is long, but I’ll still trade it for being minutes away from family. I am grateful that I have food in my refrigerator and heat in the house, running water and so many things that so many of us take for granted and others would love to have. I have my share of challenges in this life, but by and large I am blessed beyond measure.

As I look at the clock I see that I have failed to make my 11:00 p.m. curfew. Oh well. I can only promise to try to do better tomorrow. Tonight as I take my rest I’ll do so grateful for the day that has just ended and looking forward to the day to come. May it bring new possibilities and good things.

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