Lessons in Gratitude Day 525

Today has been a really good day start to finish. I am grateful for that, particularly as we wrapped up the work week and are now headed into a two-week holiday break. It’s coming in the nick of time. My mind has been overtaxed in recent days and I haven’t taken particularly good care of myself, so the upcoming break is much needed. But I am grateful for a number of simple blessings today. First of all I was excited that my daughter decided to come back to work with me today. At one point she’d thought about staying home today, but popped up this morning and said she would join me again today. It was a small thing, but made me very happy, and other than a couple of moments of crankiness, we had a good drive down to work.

The work day was relaxed and laid back. At the office we launched into a spontaneous bit of team building centered around personality types. We learned a lot about one another and talked about the implications of what we were learning for the way we go about doing our work on a daily basis. I left the impromptu professional development meeting with an even deeper appreciation for the people I work with–their passion, dedication to the work, and mutual appreciation and respect for each other. I am grateful to be working with a group of really good people. We ate pizza, we shared ideas and thoughts about how to work together as a team, and best of all, we connected and enjoyed one another’s company. I can’t think of a better way to build camaraderie than learning and growing together. It was a very good thing.

Michal and I also laughed a lot today, both at the office and once we got home this evening. She found a couple of very funny videos of people doing silly, outrageous things that were ridiculous to the point of being hilarious. I laughed so hard at points that tears were streaming down my face. I can’t remember that last time I laughed so hard; and the fact that I was sharing in the laughter with my daughter made it that much sweeter and funnier. I got almost as much pleasure from watching her laugh at the videos that from the videos themselves. It just doesn’t get much better than that.

Tonight as I write I am listening to the sound of rain pelting against the side of the house. My wind chimes that I hung a few weeks ago are tinkling in the breeze and the sounds of a wet winter night abound. Tomorrow is the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year in this part of the world. These days bring with the a time of introspection and quiet reflection. I am looking forward to having the space to do this, part of the time connected to family and the other time in solitary reflection. I am grateful for and anticipating much needed quiet time. May these days indeed be merry and bright, as was today. May they continue to be so as the year that was 2012 winds down and the new year gears up. So be it!

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