Lessons in Gratitude Day 900

This morning  I awoke before the alarm rang. I had it set for 8:00 a.m. and will make it progressively earlier over the next few days in an attempt to, as best I can, get my body prepared for the shift back to my 5:30 a.m. waking. I’ve been out sync for the past two weeks I’ve been off work, so I expect it will take me a few days at least to get back on track. I really should set my alarm for 7:00 and drag myself out of bed even though I am writing this blog at 11:30 p.m.

One of the things I have appreciated over these 900 days has been being able to invite readers into my sometimes mundane ramblings. As much as I wish I were brilliant and profound, posting deeply meaningful, philosophical, and provocative writings on a daily basis, often the true lessons in gratitude are to be found in the simple things of every day life. Even profundity can and often does emerge from the most basic blessings that while they don’t on face value appear to drip with significance, upon closer examination there are gems buried just beneath the surface. I am grateful for your indulgence in meandering with me through these lessons each night to discover whatever speaks to you on a given day. I am often surprised and gratified that people have found value in a post that I struggled mightily to pull together into a semblance of coherent thought.

“How’s the blog coming tonight?” my daughter would often ask me. “It isn’t very good tonight, I’m afraid,” I would answer her, only to have a reader comment that they really appreciated a point I made in that very posting that I had deemed “not very good.” And so it has been: I can’t predict what any one person will find meaningful. Only a small handful of people read this blog every day; others find their way here from time to time. I have to believe that those occasional readers peek in when there’s something on that particular day that they need to hear. I hope I’ve been able to provide it.

I have reached day 900 of this labor of love; I honestly didn’t think I had it in me to keep going to this day. Day 900 seemed so far away a few months ago when I determined that I would stop my blog on this particular day. That it corresponded with the last day of the year seemed poetic, until I realized that I miscalculated by one day; that December 31, 2o13 would actually be on Day 901. Alas, another near miss to smile about. I have been praying and staying open about what to do once I’ve written my last lesson in gratitude. What would I do with this time I’ve dedicated to writing over the past 900 days? I have reached a conclusion, that came to me somewhat quietly and unceremoniously as I lay in restless wakefulness before my alarm rang this morning. I will share more about it in tomorrow’s final lesson in gratitude. As is often the case when I write this blog, I have no idea at this moment what I will write about. Day 901 will be as many of the previous 900 have been–spontaneous and unscripted. I will do my best to make it interesting.

I am grateful for every single one of these 900 days and grateful to everyone who has journeyed with me over these months and years. We may find an opportunity to sojourn together a little longer, god willing. More about that tomorrow. Thanks to each of you for your wonderful presence in my life. I am truly grateful and very, very blessed.

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