I am grateful this evening to have wonderful, spiritual people around me. I’ve had teachers and guides, pastors and spiritual leaders who have at times breathed a bit of fresh perspective into my mind and heart. Sometimes they don’t even know what they’re doing, but by their very presence they are responding to questions I didn’t even know I was asking. Some days ago I wrote about the teacher appearing when the student is ready. I am a firm believer that almost everything we encounter during the course of our days–even seemingly inanimate objects that we run across can provide a lesson, particularly if it invokes a particular feeling or memory that leads us to an insight. I sometimes receive information or inspiration from some of the most unexpected things in the most random ways. So I am constantly paying attention to the people and things that I encounter.
I have been visiting with friends this weekend. First it was my best friend from college, and today it’s been a newer but also wonderful friend with whom I will spend time tomorrow as well. Then I begin a couple of days of intense meetings during which I’ll have very little down time. So tonight is a good one for some simple gratitude. I remain grateful for the friends I’ve seen these past few days. I am reminded that there are few things better than a good friend. They make me laugh, listen to me when I have concerns, offer a shoulder to cry on (or a place to crash for a few days), and are generally there for me.
I am grateful that these friendships were forged through mutuality of connection and caring. That is to say that at various points in both of the friendships I’m writing about this evening that I have cultivated, grown and reaped the benefits of friendship by first being a friend. I was one who listened, offered advice or coaching in various situations, and generally made myself available to them. It has been a real blessing over the past few years, particularly in some of my more trying years, to have been held and supported by these two and other dear friends and family during a time when I was really struggling. It takes being a good friend to also have a good friend. To be dependable for others often provides motivation for one to be likewise able to depend upon others. While that’s not why we give to others, it is nonetheless a nice side effect.
I am going to conk out tonight. I didn’t sleep particularly well last night, in fact I slept rather poorly, waking several times during the night. I am anxious to see if I can improve upon that tonight and will try shortly. I am grateful for simple things, and I am grateful for profound or really big things. Tonight as I prepare to take my rest, I am grateful for having a comfortable and safe place to rest my head. Though I am away from home it is nice to feel as cared for as if this were my home. I look forward to the days when I can reciprocate as host to these folks who have housed and fed me. Until then I will offer prayers and good wishes to them for their generosity and move on and be grateful all along the way.