Lessons in Gratitude Day 991

I wish every one had a family whom they love and who loves them. I wish everyone loved their children, cared for them and were proud of them. I think the world would be a much different place if this were more true than not. I write a lot about family, in part because I am blessed to have had such a good one. I don’t want to be misleading: we are far from perfect. We have had struggles with each other, have hurt one another, sometimes deeply. But I have been truly learning the process of letting go, forgiving, and leaving what’s in the past in the past. Like most processes, it takes time. And where my relationship with family is concerned, it is wort the effort.

Today I’m grateful for and proud of who my children are becoming. They have always been wondrous beings, from a spiritual perspective, but we humans very often do not operate from a spiritual perspective, and so there were definitely times as they were growing up when I considered them handful and anything but little angels. I have little doubt this is how my parents viewed the six of their children–me and my siblings. I have watched each of my children navigate and negotiate the various difficulties and vicissitudes of life. They are considered “grown” in the legal sense, and mostly they are quite grown up in their demeanor and behavior. Though as is the case with most young adults still in their 20s, sometimes they can be as child-like and goofy as teenagers, which is, as is said, totally “age appropriate.”

What I am particularly proud of and grateful for is how they’re showing up in the world these days. Both of them have lately taken to the “air waves” in the form of social media to offer commentary on what is happening in the world. An there is plenty to talk about. I recently followed a thread of several “conversations” my son was having with fellow social-media “friends.” It made me smile to see how clearly and reasonably he fashioned his argument and articulated his various points. Writing clearly and critically about racism and violence in the wake of several high profile national incidents is challenging. I was pleased as I read his comments to see that he remained above the fray of acrimonious emotions, and while he wrote with passion, he was able to articulate his position without descending into pointless debate and anger. Much of what he expressed was done remarkably well and I was proud.

My daughter similarly has done a great deal of writing lately (including this blog yesterday.) They too have written with great passion and yet with wisdom and clarity beyond their years and continue to offer alternative ways of viewing the world. It makes me smile, it makes me proud and grateful for the two wonderful beings I have helped raise. I cannot take full credit for their development, though I clearly had a hand in it. I look forward to seeing what other gifts they will share with the world.

I am grateful as always for family. For those whose families of origin were not accepting, loving, and kind, I pray that families of choice provide support and connection each of us human beings crave. And may all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering. May we know and experience true happiness and peace and enjoy the fruits thereof. May it be so for us all!

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