Lessons in Gratitude Day 84

I suppose that when you work all day Monday and travel all day Tuesday it shouldn’t be a surprise that the week is already half over and I don’t know where it went. And Wednesdays are the days I volunteer at the food pantry. Today we were very short staffed and I found myself taking on work that is normally done by someone else. It made for a longer-than-usual and more hectic feel to the day, but as always it was good, worthwhile work.

I am grateful this evening for clarity. In one particular area of my current job search I was asking for clarity, for a sign about what I should do about a particular situation. I got amazing clarity earlier this week. While I still have to make some decisions, they will be made through clear lenses, not the fogginess that had been clouding over my thought processes. My hope now is that as I continue the job search some doors will open up for me and that I’ll find work that aligns my skills and abilities with my interests and passions and that I’ll recognize it when I see it. In the meantime, I’ll continue scouring the various job board that I’ve been frequenting. Chances are, however, that what I ultimately end up finding will not come from one of those places, but from a connection I’ve made along the way…from a completely unexpected place. We shall see.

I realized that on September 17 I reached the six month mark since I was laid off from my job. I started to write about my feelings about the manner in which I lost my job and the challenges I faced during the three and a half years I worked there, but this is a gratitude blog and not the time or place to surface those feelings. I continue to let forgiveness work  itself out in my life and each day brings me closer to being able to let go. It’s in my best interest to do so, so I continue working on it.

Tonight’s simple gratitude: I’m grateful for rest. While I’m still recovering from traveling last Saturday through Tuesday, I was pleased that I was able to get a relatively good night’s sleep last night (though I still went to bed after midnight and woke up at least three times during the night.) I find that even when I wake up before it’s time to actually get up I am less bombarded by zillions of random thoughts than I used to be and can actually go back to sleep. This is an improvement. Rest and sleep is another one of those things I used to take for granted. Now I am appreciative of how important they can be to my overall sense of well being. I’m looking forward to continuing to enjoy better rest.

Over the next several days I’m going to be deciding on the direction I want to take this blog in. There are times I have nearly run out of gas writing each night, and other times when I am on a roll, remaining inspired and finding something worthwhile to focus on each night. Writing every day about something positive has been a very valuable action for me to take over these months since I started this process. We shall see if I can continue doing this on a daily basis. In any case, I am grateful for those of you who are with me on this journey.

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