Lessons in Gratitude Day 158

Today has been a bit of a struggle. It kind of makes it difficult to write an upbeat gratitude blog. But then again, one can be grateful without necessarily being upbeat, right? Over the months that I’ve written this blog, there have been plenty of days when I’ve had to battle through the blues to get to the gratitude. On days like these I am grateful to have gotten myself out of bed and managed to accomplish a few things.

Sometimes putting one foot in front of another is quite an accomplishment. Yesterday I moved a batch of boxes out of my living room where they’ve sat since I moved into the condo back in May. Amazingly, it seemed the more boxes I moved the more there were to move. I managed to make a dent in the stack, however, and have reclaimed more of the living room. I still have a way to go before I can get the room the way  I want it. The goal is to clear a space to have a Christmas tree. It might take me that long to  clear the place out, but that’s the plan. The living room in many ways has represented my state of mind at various points–cluttered, chaotic, disorganized, unsettled. I am grateful for the burst of energy and inspiration that set me on the path of tackling those boxes yet again.

It’s hard to believe that we are 21 days away from Christmas and a week after that we will bid welcome to 2012. In the next few weeks I plan to take some time contemplating some next steps and developing a timetable for accomplishing those steps. At the moment it is not at all clear to me what that looks like, but my hope is that spending intentional time in thought, conversation, preparation, etc. will help bring clarity.

Gratitude did not take a day off today either; though the writer is definitely a bit off tonight. But as Scarlett O’Hara says, “tomorrow is another day,” and another opportunity to allow thankfulness, peace, compassion, generosity, lovingkindness and many other good things to help keep me moving forward. I’ll end my night doing lovingkindness meditation sprinkled with gratitude for another day. And so it is.

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