Lessons in Gratitude Day 242

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I’ve taken a lot of journeys and a lot of single steps over the course of my life, the last few years in particular. Moving to California nearly seven years ago was one of those steps–a big one. I came here on an invitation and the promise of something wonderful. It was a leap of faith and I took it; and although things didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped, I’m grateful for the experiences I’ve had along the way. Life is so interesting like that–we take a particular fork on a particular path and our lives unfold in a particular way. I could speculate what my life would be like if I hadn’t accepted that invitation and moved a few thousand miles from my home of 13 years. In moments when I’m feeling pressed and stressed from all the drama that occurred last year that has landed my in some pretty challenging circumstances, I have to resist a trip down “if only” lane and think about what life would be like had I stayed in Michigan. Looking back with regret (or forward with dread) is not a useful exercise. I already did what I did or didn’t do what I didn’t do. Time to move on.

One of my Facebook friends posted this quote on her wall the other day, “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” I reckon that about sums up a lot of what I’ve been working toward this year, finding myself at peace in and with the present moment. It’s hard to remember that’s all we have anyway. It makes sense to spend more time hanging out and cultivating peace in the present than either living either in the past (with regret) or the future (in fear). I feel at times like I’m still working out my “what’s next” in terms of what I’m going to be doing and where I’m going to be doing it. Somehow in the process of planning for what’s next, I need to keep sight of what’s now, lest I miss it and potentially miss out on something good.

I have a feeling that I will soon be taking another single step on perhaps another thousand mile journey. I hope to do that from as much a place of peace and equanimity as possible. We’ll see how it unfolds. And somehow in the midst of it all I have to remember my gratitude practice and actively engage each day in thanks-giving, in terms of being grateful for the many blessings in my life and in terms of offering thanks to the many beings–human and otherwise–who continue offering love and support to me on my journey. Thanks to all of them and to all of you who read along with me on this journey. I am grateful for you sticking with me.

May we be happy and peaceful. May we be safe and protected from harm. May we be healthy and strong. May we life with joy, ease, and wellbeing. May we love and accept ourselves for exactly who we are. May we experience the arising and passing of all things with equanimity and peace. May we hold our various pains and sorrows with great compassion. Let it be so.

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