Lessons in Gratitude Day 261

In my journal this morning I wrote about wanting to have a productive day today. I mused about what that might look like and wondered if I’d end the day with a sense of accomplishment, of having gotten some things done. As I reflect on it now (it’s after 9 p.m. here on the west coast) I reckon I got enough done to say I accomplished something. I had a few things on my to-do list that I was able to cross off, and a few others that remain uncompleted. I hope I will get to a few of those tomorrow. I am grateful for what I did accomplish today, though I must confess to feeling a bit dissatisfied at the close of the day.

So tonight I will offer some very simple gratitudes–things that have crossed my mind over the course of this day for which I am grateful.

  • I’m grateful for the rain that poured down last night and this morning. It knocked out our power for a bit, but nothing critical was disturbed in the process. We’ve needed the rain and snow in the mountains to help us catch up to our normal level of precipitation. Earlier this month we were at less than 50 percent of normal. We still have a way to go to get our rainfall totals up; we probably won’t get to 100 percent, but every little bit helps.
  • I’m grateful for having the opportunity to spend one more day with my daughter. At one point she’d contemplated driving back up to school today but in a rare moment of asking for what I want/need, I asked her if she would be willing to stay and leave tomorrow (Sunday) instead of today. She agreed to stay and we’ve had a good day. We didn’t do anything particularly special, we did exciting things like go to the grocery store and eat brunch and dinner together (both of which Michal prepared) and watch a funny moving together. (It was a lot of fun watching and laughing throughout the film. I realized yet again how much I need to laugh, a lot more often.
  • I am grateful for some financial help I received in the mail today. I have an angel who has helped me over the past several months. Without her assistance, things would be incredibly tight and I would be unable to meet some of my obligations. I look forward to the time that’s coming soon when I will be earning income from meaningful work and can begin to return her generosity back in some way to her as well as paying it forward by helping someone else. I look forward to being able to stand on my own two financial feet. Until that manifests, I am grateful for her willingness to help me.
  • I am grateful for my bookend writing practices. In my morning journal I write what’s on my heart as I prepare to face the unfolding of a new day and at the end of the day I write this blog as a means of recalling and recounting those things for which I am grateful.
  • I am grateful for the wealth that I do possess. True wealth is much more than possessing financial means. I might have some financial struggles that keep me awake at night sometimes, but the truth is I am incredibly blessed simply to be able to do that things I’ve been able to do with relatively limited means. I am fortunate to have spiritual wealth even if I don’t currently have much in the way of financial wealth. I have family and friends whom I love and who love me. These are riches as much as anything else.
  • I am grateful for the strength and perseverance that runs through my blood from my family and ancestors before me. I come from strong roots. We know how to stand strong in the face of challenges, but also to reach out for support when we can’t do it alone.

I look forward to putting my head down on my pillow to rest this evening. I have one last errand to run before I can do that then it’s lights out. Tomorrow I’ll rise early and start my day writing before moving onto the next items on my agenda. I am grateful to everyone who joins me each day to reflect on moments of gratitude  May you know happiness and the causes of happiness. So may we all!

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