Lessons in Gratitude Day 281

Somehow the sniffles which I had thought were gone have returned. How does that happen, anyway? I am not feeling very well, so I might be briefer than usual (though every time I write that, I end up writing my usual blog.)

I am astonished to be at the end of another week and to be headed toward the end of April. Time continues to fly by, yet I find that I am grateful for the week just past. Tonight I am simply grateful to have come through another week with relative calm in my heart and a smile on my face. It is proof that progress is possible if one approaches one’s challenges with as open a heart as can be managed. I go back to Khalil Gibran’s quote, “Awake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks for another day of loving.” While I can tell you that I definitely did not wake with a winged heart this morning (though I did wake around dawn), I did give thanks for another day of loving.

It was a pretty good day–Jared and I went to a meeting this morning, which as it turns out was so short that the drive to get there was twice as long as the time we were in the meeting. It was over almost before it began, and us with all this time to kill before Jared needed to be at work. So we went home and sat outside on the back porch talking and soaking up the first real spring day in months. Jared went and got his guitar playing several new and emerging tunes. After a while I went and got one of my guitars and we played a little bit together, though not much because Jared is such a better player than I am that we can’t really play much together. It was such a sweet way to spend an hour and a half, and I was reminded once again of how powerful it is to share the love of playing music with both of my children. They are each talented songwriters and musicians. I am in awe of how talented they both are, and the gifts they each have to offer the world.

As I have nodded off in sleep a few times while trying to write this blog, I will sign off for this evening. I am looking forward to feeling better after a good night’s sleep. May it be so!

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