Lessons in Gratitude Day 463

Tonight as I predicted I would be, I am exhausted. I already sat nodding off while watching television earlier this evening, and just woke up to find my computer on my lap and the blog not started. I only have the energy to write a few lines this evening with a promise to do a little better tomorrow.

I am grateful for the close of a long week–a good week to be sure, but a long one nonetheless. I met a few dozen people, participated in meetings during which I was somewhat inundated with information, and learned at least a half dozen ways to get from my office to a particular building in which I attended meetings and was treated to lunch a few times this week. Yep, this has been a good week, information overload notwithstanding. I was congratulated by a few of my new coworkers for having “survived” my first week in my new role. I had to smile at that, though I suppose congratulations are in order. It’s been a long while since I have experienced a first week at work. I am grateful for the opportunity to be continuing the work I’ve been doing now for over 25 (closer to 30) years, and to be doing it with a great group of colleagues is very satisfying. I am looking forward to settling in a little better and getting into the flow and rhythm of the place. We shall see how it unfolds in the days and weeks ahead.

Tonight as I fight off sleep I also want to express gratitude again for now living in close proximity to my sisters. Today I experienced the fun of engaging in an adventure with my younger sister as we stood in line together to hear the President (of the United States) speak at a campaign event that was held on our campus today. We stood in line for hours, and stood the entire time as we waited for the President to arrive and address the large crowd standing in a mass in an outdoor intramural athletic field. Hearing the president speak was interesting and exciting at one level, but for me the best part of it was hanging out with my sister and sharing a kind of cool, historic event with her. A colleague from work and one of our nephews were there as well, but as I reflect on it now, what I am most grateful for is the opportunity to share it with her. It’s another event to record in our memories to be retrieved later on as old ladies, “Remember that time when we went to hear the President speak…?” I look forward to creating many such memories in the time to come.

I look forward to a nice deep exhale this weekend. I get to spend a few hours with my oldest sister on Saturday. It’ll be my first time seeing her since I moved out here to her neck of the woods. I’m looking forward to connecting with her. I imagine I’ll see my other big sister this weekend sometime as well, making it a three-for-three kind of weekend. I also plan to try to catch up on my sleep so I can return to work on Monday refreshed and a wee bit more adjusted to the time zone and rhythm of the place. I am grateful indeed to have made it through my first week at work. I am looking foward to a new day, new week full of new possibilities. But first, some sleep!

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