Lessons in Gratitude Day 570

Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you. Or something like that. This morning I started out gang busters, writing in my journal, getting a bunch of house type work done, cooking and eating a nice breakfast, cleaning up the kitchen afterward. Then suddenly the wind sort of went out of my sails. I got tired and a headache came on from out of nowhere and has pretty much lasted all day. In a short while I will get my jammies on and go to bed. Nevertheless I am grateful to have enjoyed that burst of energy this morning.

I am amazed at the human body and the things it is capable of. The fact of our living, breathing, moving, thinking, and all the millions of functions that we engage in over the course of a single day is nothing short of a miraculous. The complex interactions and delicate dance involved in even the tiniest action (blinking, swallowing, etc.) are wondrous. Then there are the moments like today for me when something isn’t quite clicking properly and suddenly my head hurts and I have to take a pain reliever and lie down. Even pain comes about as a series of intricate interconnections among various cells and organs and body systems. We are truly remarkable organisms and as the psalmist wrote, “wonderfully and fearfully made.”

In spite of my body’s minor rebellion against me, I still managed to get out for a bit to my younger sister’s house for dinner. As I wrote yesterday, one of the great blessings of my current life is my proximity to my three sisters. It continues to be high on my gratitude list each day. Although tonight is not one of my profound writing days, I am nonetheless grateful for the many good things that surround me on a daily basis. My full expectation is that after a good night’s rest I’ll be back in the swing of things and ready to make it a good day and a great week. May it be so!

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