Lessons in Gratitude Day 589

I am sitting looking at a brick wall. It’s the one I ran smack into, landing with a thud on my backside and now I am sitting looking up at it. I went around a corner too fast, not knowing the brick wall was on the other side. Suddenly there it was and WHAMMO,  I crashed into and bounced right off of it. Of course all of this is figuratively speaking; I didn’t run into a literal wall, but I felt like I hit one nonetheless. Sometimes life can feel very surreal and that’s how it’s been over the last few days. That’s alright, of course. After all, Mama said there’ll be days like this.

On February 11, 2012 I took a week off from writing this blog. I started back up again on February 19. Somehow without quite meaning to I have managed to continue writing this blog every day since then–nearly a full year (I’ve worked the math and somehow it keeps coming up that day 593 is the 365th day of writing since I took my hiatus.) In that time I have experienced days of nearly complete writer’s block and others of divine inspiration and everything in between. This has been quite an extraordinary journey thus far, exploring various facets of gratitude.

This has been a long week and I am tired. I am so very grateful that it is the weekend and I can exhale and perhaps get a little rest. I am not going to set my alarm tomorrow. Sometimes when I do that, I actually sleep til like 10. I know people who can sleep until noon. I’m not one of those, but perhaps I will try it tomorrow. I would like to try to quiet my mind tomorrow. We’ll see how that goes.

There’s a lot of energy percolating in my spirit, just out of my conscious mind. I’ve been noodling on some things, some plans and ideas that I set my mind to then stopped paying attention to it. Sometimes I do that–tell my mind to work on something in the background while I am running around engaged in other parts of my life. The idea is that my brain, being the supercomputer that it is can actually be working on a zillion things at once, but I am only aware of a few of them. I am hoping that if I can slow myself down and quiet my mind, then I can check in with my subconscious and see if there are new ideas, inspirations or answers that want to bubble up to my conscious mind. I’ll let you know how that works out.

Tonight, I am going to rest.

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