Lessons in Gratitude Day 720

Below is a guest blog from my beloved sister, Ruth Chamblee. I am in deep appreciation and gratitude for her contribution tonight.


It’s probably no coincidence that my sister asked me to guest blog tonight. In fact, I don’t really believe in coincidence. Things happen for a reason. So why me; why tonight?

Just the other day I was thinking about my sister’s dedication to writing this blog and marveling at the strength of will it must have required (and still requires) on many occasions. She writes when she’s weary and the hour grows late. She writes when she’s busy and barely has a spare moment. She writes when she’s cranky and struggles to dredge up a grateful thought. The fact that she’s written this singularly focused blog for 700+ days is simply amazing to me. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Only someone who knows my sister’s personality very well and knows the full story of her annus horribilis (Queen E), can truly appreciate how brave and strong she is. I think I would have curled up in a ball and pulled the covers over my head, but not her.  She refused to give in. She got up every day and worked, exercised, volunteered, socialized, did whatever was necessary to keep herself together, and yes, she expressed gratitude, in spite of everything.

Brave and strong. She’s always been that way, even when we were little. Slayer of creepy spiders. First one into the dark, scary room. Teaching me to stand up to bullies. Giving me support and courage during my own stressful times. Convincing me that I can do things I’m not so sure I can do…like write this blog! I guess it’s pretty obvious by now that I am very, very grateful for my big sister and friend. I’m grateful that she is my role model for courage, strength, and perseverance. I’m grateful that these qualities helped her to weather her own personal storms. And I’m grateful that they will allow her to thrive in this next chapter of her life.

So, to answer my earlier question—I guess it was just time for one of her biggest fans to turn the tables and express heartfelt gratitude for her.


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