Lessons in Gratitude Day 100

Okay, I admit it. There’s something really cool about writing “Day 100.” I’m not sure I’ve ever done anything non-biological for 100 straight days. Writing this blog is a joy, for the most part. There have been days when I felt like I had to reach to find something good that had happened that day that I could write about. Then there are those times when I had such a bad case of writer’s block or were so tired that I literally could not think of a single thing to say. I have spent every evening for over three months thinking and writing about gratitude and, writer’s block aside, I have not run out of things to say. This is a very good thing.

This morning I woke up with the phrase, “Out with the Old” on my mind. I was half asleep and I could tell that it was something I was supposed to remember, even as I kept drifting back to sleep, I would wake up and say out loud “out with the old” so that I would remember it. It worked, though I don’t remember any more about it than that. This is the second morning this week that something significant was cooking in my consciousness but just out of reach of my ability to retrieve it in its fullness. While it’s a wee bit frustrating that I couldn’t quite wake myself enough to get up and write out what I was hearing, it’s encouraging to know that it’s getting closer–you know, the clarity that I’ve been writing about lately. I’ll keep pondering what the significance of “out with the old” is; there are definitely a few areas where I think it makes sense. But for now I’ll sit with it and see what else bubbles up over the next few days.

As for clarity, I had someone ask me recently if I was perhaps waiting for too clear a sign, and I admit it would be really nice if the Universe made all the answers to my queries so clear I would trip over them. If I’m going to ask for clarity, I might as well ask for the clearest signs I can get. You won’t get what you don’t ask for, after all. No, I don’t expect that I’ll get perfectly clear signs (or that I’ll recognize the ones I get); and I’m definitely not going to sit still—not making any decisions or movement forward—waiting until I’ve received them. That’s where faith comes in. I put my best intention out there, ask for guidance, pay attention to what information I get—including that which comes from my own intuition and inner guidance and then I proceed. The types of questions I’m seeking answers to these days are less about specific situation—should I apply this job or that, for example. Which brand of tires should I buy for my car? They are much more foundational—what is my purpose on the planet at this moment in my life? Why am I here and what am I being called forth to do at this moment? Clarity on those bigger question is much more what I’m seeking than answers to the more mundane matters (though I still ask for it on those as well.)

I am so grateful for the way that life is unfolding at the moment. Even in the midst of uncertainty life is good. I have financial concerns looming on the horizon and a variety of other issues nagging at me, but life is good. There are still many questions I’m asking the Universe and yes, I’ll continue to ask for as clear answers as I can get (and be patient with the fuzzy ones). And still I know, life is good. Tonight after I sign off on my 100th blog, I’ll play my guitar for a few moments, relax my brain listening to a few minutes of an audiobook, then go to sleep offering my thanks to the Creator for another good day. Life is good.

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